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  • 首页 > 实事报道 > 更多迫害案例 > Statistics and Charts of Persecution Types

    概述  名单及案情  近期统计数据及图表  Recent Statistics and Charts  去年统计数据及图表  Statistics and Charts of Last Year  各省案例列表  迫害类型列表   迫害类型统计及图表  Statistics and Charts of Persecution Types  迫害类型分类统计及图表  Statistics and Charts of Persecution Sub Types 

    Distribution by Persecution Type
    Upto 2024-10 (Total = 126111)

    Physical torture
    Psychological torture
    Basic human right violations
    Financial persecution
    To be determined

    Chart 1:Persecution Type:Physical tortureDistribution

    Chart 2:Persecution Type:Psychological tortureDistribution

    Chart 3:Persecution Type:Basic human right violationsDistribution

    Chart 4:Persecution Type:Financial persecutionDistribution

    Chart 5:Persecution Type:OthersDistribution

    Chart 6:Persecution Type:To be determinedDistribution

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